Owner: Town of Clarkstown
Contract Amount: $4,330,000.00
Start Date: November 2018
Description: This project consists of approximately 3,350 feet of realignment of Demarest Kill,
between Old Rte. 304 and Cranford Drive and 1,550 feet of realignment of its’ tributary in an upstream direction from its’ confluence with Demarest Kill near the Cranford Drive-Bush Court Crossing. The scope of work includes, but is not limited to: clearing and grubbing, earthwork, including unclassified excavation and disposal, placement of embankment, stream realignment, temporary water diversions, water way crossings, drainage and utility work, erosion and sediment control, landscaping, basic work zone traffic control, construction of dry stone walls, rip rap and stone boulder placement, removal and replacements of fencing, and installation of bird and bat houses.
Completed: June 2020