Honk Falls Dam

Home » Projects » Flood Control / Dams » Honk Falls Dam

Location: Wawarsing NY
Owner: New York City Environmental Protection
Approx. Rev: $14,000,000

Description: Rehabilitation and stabilization of the existing Honk Falls Dam spillway and penstock sections consisting of demolition of the existing spillway & penstock by +/- fourteen feet, shaping, creating the new low flow notch, installation of 14 ea grouted shear anchors, placing 1’-8” reinforced concrete cap over the spillway, installation and removal of approx. 2,100 lf of stream diversion consisting of twin 60” CMP pipes and concrete inlet headwall, tree removal, excavation and grading of the new stream channel, and installation of three riffles, and placing streambed materials. Upgrading and constructing access roads, staging areas, trailer complexes, and temporary electric. Installation and removal of a 48’ temporary bridge. Installation of cofferdams, plugging of the existing low flow piping in the dam, dewatering, soil erosion and sediment control. Restoration of the site and habitat restoration area with topsoil, plantings, seeding, erosion control blanket and fence.